Classroom Series

Latin American Perspectives in the Classroom:
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Editor: Ronald H. Chilcote, University of California, Riverside

Since its inception, Latin American Perspectives has worked to make its material available for classroom use. That goal is realized in this series of readers by introducing students to the important themes and issues about Latin America that have appeared in the journal. Accessible to nonspecialists, all books in the series comprise selected articles trimmed to their essential core and organized into teachable sections. Each text includes both general and part introductions to contextualize the concepts and topics that follow. Relevant to a broad range of student interests in the social sciences, these readers will be especially valuable in the Latin American studies curriculum. For more information and online purchasing discounts, click on the text graphics to visit Latin American Perspectives‘ in the Classroom Series at the Rowman Littlefield’s website. To view recent editions in the Critical Currents in Latin American Perspectives series, CLICK HERE.


Latin America's Pink Tide: Breakthroughs and Shortcomings
Latin America’s Pink Tide: Breakthroughs and Shortcomings
By Steve Ellner


List Price: $39.00
ISBN: 978-1-5381-2563-2
Publication Date: October 2019

This timely book analyzes the governing experiences of the nine major pro-leftist governments in Latin America. The individual country case study chapters are preceded by chapters that frame the discussion by considering the theoretical implications of the Pink Tide experience relating to globalization, the state, and neo-extractivism. The contributors examine the Pink Tide policies and rhetoric that gained widespread approval and led to the long tenure of many of these governments. These included ambitious social programs, prioritizing the needs of the poor, nationalistic foreign policy, economic nationalism, and asserting control of strategic sectors of the economy. The book continues by taking a critical look at policies that have contributed to recent setbacks, acknowledging the inability of progressive governments to overcome embedded structures holding back economic development. One such setback has come from the opposition—often supported by powerful foreign actors—pressuring the government into making concessions and carrying out policies that ultimately undermined economic and political stability. The contributors critically examine these policies, which were politically successful in the short run but eventually backfired in the form of corruption, bureaucratic waste, and economic sluggishness. With its balanced and thorough assessment, this book will provide readers with a deep and nuanced understanding of the complexity of the political, economic, and sociocultural reality of contemporary Latin America and the Caribbean.

REVIEW: As the momentum behind Latin America’s left recedes, this important, cohesive, timely volume, edited by Ellner, a well-known scholar of Latin America, takes stock of the successes and failures of the Pink Tide. Separate chapters consider “radical” Pink Tide governments (Hugo Chávez in Venezuela, Evo Morales in Bolivia, Rafael Correa in Ecuador), “pragmatic” Pink Tide governments (the Workers’ Party in Brazil, the Frente Amplio in Uruguay, and “Kirchnerism” in Argentina), and the left in Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Mexico. One of the volume’s core arguments is that aspirations for structural transformation were severely constrained by the hegemony of global capitalism as Pink Tide governments largely maintained “extractivist” economic models based on commodity exports. However, despite these constraints, these governments sought to reduce social and economic injustice and succeeded, according to the authors. Contributing scholars hail from diverse countries, providing a wealth of valuable information for each case study. They effectively engage with questions regarding the implications of global capitalism’s hegemony for the political economy of Latin America, though this reviewer would have liked them to wrestle more vigorously with questions drawn from the dictum “absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
Summing Up: Highly recommended. Upper-division undergraduates, graduate students, and professionals.

• Reviewer: C. McClintock, George Washington University

Rethinking Latin American Social Movementx150h
The United States and Cuba: From Closest Enemies to Distant Friends
By Francisco López Segrera


List Price: $25.00
ISBN: 978-1-4422-6722-0
Publication Date: April 2017 140pp

This timely book takes the historic restoration of diplomatic ties between Cuba and the United States in 2015 as the point of departure for a Cuban perspective on future relations. Tracing the history of the long and contentious relationship, Francisco López Segrera analyzes the pre-revolutionary and Cold War periods as well as more recent changes within each nation and in the international environment that led to the diplomatic opening and the abandonment of regime change as the goal of U.S. policy. He considers factors such as the declining influence of hard-line Cuban exiles in the United States; almost universal calls from Latin America, Europe, and other U.S. allies for constructive diplomatic engagement; and the economic restructuring underway in Cuba following the crisis of the “Special Period” triggered by the collapse of the Soviet Union. The author also identifies conditions favoring further progress, as well as outstanding issues that may constitute barriers—especially the blockade, U.S. demands for a Western-style democracy in Cuba, and its refusal to return the Guantánamo naval base to Cuban sovereignty. Comparing the differing perceptions shaping policies on both sides, López Segrera weighs the steps that will be necessary for the two countries to move toward full normalization.

Rethinking Latin American Social Movementx150h

Twentieth-Century Latin American Revolutions
By Marc Becker


List Price: $30.00
ISBN: 978-1-4422-6587-5
Publication Date: June 2017 272pp

Revolutions are a commonly studied but only vaguely understood historical phenomenon. This clear and concise text extends our understanding with a critical narrative analysis of key case studies: the 1910–1920 Mexican Revolution; the 1944–1954 Guatemalan Spring; the 1952–1964 MNR-led revolution in Bolivia; the Cuban Revolution that triumphed in 1959; the 1970–1973 Chilean path to socialism; the leftist Sandinistas in Nicaragua in power from 1979–1990; failed guerrilla movements in Colombia, El Salvador, and Peru; and the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela after Hugo Chávez’s election in 1998. Historian Marc Becker opens with a theoretical introduction to revolutionary movements, including a definition of what “revolution” means and an examination of factors necessary for a revolution to succeed. He analyzes revolutions through the lens of those who participated and explores the sociopolitical conditions that led to a revolutionary situation, the differing responses to those conditions, and the outcomes of those political changes. Each case study provides an interpretive explanation of the historical context in which each movement emerged, its main goals and achievements, its shortcomings, its outcome, and its legacy. The book concludes with an analysis of how elected leftist governments in the twenty-first century continue to struggle with issues that revolutionaries confronted throughout the twentieth century.

Rethinking Latin American Social Movementx150h

Memory, Truth, and Justice in Contemporary Latin America
Edited by Roberta Villalón


List Price: $37.00 Discount code: RLFANDF25 for a 25% off discount!
ISBN: 978-1-4422-6725-1
Publication Date: July 2017 280pp

As new social actors have emerged in Latin America, the process of dealing with the legacy of still-unresolved human rights abuses has been significantly reinvigorated. This powerful text provides the first systematic analysis of the second wave of memory and justice mobilization throughout the region. A multidisciplinary group of authors, many from the global south, consider the changed political, economic, and social conditions that have led to new forms of social action. They trace the growth of human rights groups as fundamental political organizations in the post-dictatorship era, the participation of public authorities in the investigation and persecution of human rights abusers, and the implementation of national and international human rights legislation. Pairing clear explanations of concepts and debates with cases studies, the book offers a unique opportunity for students to understand and interpret the history and politics of a range of Latin American countries.

Rethinking Latin American Social Movementx150h

Urban Latin America: Inequalities and Neoliberal Reforms
Edited by Tom Angotti


List Price: $35.00
ISBN: 978-1-4422-7448-8
Publication Date: August 2017 306pp

Latin America is one of the most urbanized regions of the world. To understand Latin America today it is important to trace the origins and characteristics of the urban-rural divide, inequalities within urban areas, and the prospects for change. This is particularly important and timely given the challenges of widening environmental and social disparities, climate change, and climate justice. The authors critically analyze urban issues within the context of the national and regional political economy, neoliberal governance, and urban social movements. Latin America’s cities are sharply divided into wealthy enclaves and large peripheral areas, reflecting deep social and economic inequalities, leading to notable movements and reforms. This text explores Latin American cities, their history, similarities and differences, and current problems.

REVIEW: By most measures, Mexico City and São Paulo are two of the 10 largest cities in the world; the regional population in each is over 20 million people. With the global population rapidly expanding and living in urban areas, and with almost all projected megacities located in Latin America, Asia, and Africa, it would be prudent to have a better understanding of how cities develop and what impact neoliberal policies and growing inequalities have on urban society. This collection of 16 essays uncovers the inner workings of Latin American cities, provides a look at political processes and forms of resistance, brings to life the people who inhabit these cities, and presents readers with alternative narratives to traditional urban development as it has come to be understood in North America. By exploring alternatives to markets; by outlining forms of community control, budgeting, and opposition to neoliberal policies; and by celebrating the occupants of cities through the rejection of stereotypes like “marginal” and “informal,” Angotti’s volume takes its place as an important addition to literature on urbanization globally. Summing Up: Highly recommended. Upper-division undergraduates and above.

Reviewer: D. Fasenfest, Wayne State University

Rethinking Latin American Social Movementx150hRethinking Latin American Social Movements: Radical Action From Below

Edited By Richard Stahler-Sholk; Harry E. Vanden and Marc Becker
Latest Publication available November 2014


List Price: $39.95
ISBN: 978-1-4422-3568-7
Publication Date: November 2014 416pp

This groundbreaking text explores the dramatic evolution in Latin American social movements over the past fifteen years. Leading scholars examine a variety of cases that highlight significant shifts in the region. First is the breakdown of the Washington Consensus and the global economic crisis since 2008, accompanied by the rise of new paradigms such as buen vivir (living well). Second are transformations in internal movement dynamics and strategies, especially the growth of horizontalism (horizontalidad), which emphasizes non-hierarchical relations within society rather than directly tackling state power. Third are new dynamics of resistance and repression as movements interact with the “pink tide” rise of left-of-center governments in the region. Exploring outcomes and future directions, the contributors consider the variations between movements arising from immediate circumstances (e.g., Oaxaca’s 2006 uprising and Brazil’s 2013 bus fare protests) and longer-lasting movements (Vía Campesina, Brazil’s MST, and Mexico’s Zapatistas). Assessing both the continuities in social movement dynamics and important new tendencies, this book will be essential reading for all students of Latin American politics and society.

List of Contributions

Marc Becker, George Ciccariello-Maher, Kwame Dixon, Fran Espinoza, Daniela Issa, Nathalie Lebon, Maurice Rafael Magaña, Maria Elena Martinez-Torres, Sara C. Motta, Leonidas Oikonomakis, Suyapa Portillo Villeda, Peter M. Rosset, Marina Sitrin, Rose J. Spalding, Richard Stahler-Sholk, Alicia Swords, Harry E. Vanden, and Raúl Zibechi

Latin America’s Radical Leftx150hLatin America’s Radical Left: Challenges and Complexities of Political Power In The Twenty-First Century
Edited by Steve Ellner
Foreword by William I. RobinsonPURCHASE THIS EDITION

List Price: $29.95
ISBN: 978-1-4422-2949-5
Publication Date: March 2014 306pp
This timely book explores the unique challenges facing the left in  Latin America today. The contributors offer clear and comprehensive assessments of the difficult conditions and conflicting forces that have brought to power the current leftist regimes in Latin American  and the Caribbean and are shaping their development. Avoiding the widely accepted but  simplistic dichotomy of “good” and “bad” left or democratic and antidemocratic left, the book  first sets the theoretical and historical context for understanding the rise of the left in the  region. It then provides case studies of the radical left in power in Venezuela, Bolivia, and Ecuador and its influence in Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Cuba. Thematic chapters consider social and labor movements and debates over problems arising from the democratic transition to socialism. The book points to concrete circumstances in which theoretical issues related to reform and change have played out in nations where the left is in power. These include prioritization of social over economic objectives, the role of the state in the democratic road to socialism, and ecological as opposed to developmentalist strategies. Finally, the book examines the opposition to radical governments in power coming not only from the right but also from movements to their left. With its balanced and thorough assessment, this study will provide readers with a deep and nuanced understanding of the complexity of the political, economic, and sociocultural reality of contemporary Latin America and the Caribbean.
List of Contributions
Marc Becker, Roger Burbach, George Ciccariello-Maher, Héctor M. Cruz-Feliciano, Steve Ellner, Federico Fuentes, Marcel Nelson, Hector Perla Jr., Camila Piñeiro Harnecker, Thomas Purcell, Diana Raby, William I. Robinson, and Kevin Young

Contemporary Latin American Social and Political Thoughtx150hContemporary Latin American Social and Political Thought: An Anthology

 List Price: $39.95
 ISBN: 978-0-7425-3992-1
Publication Date: February 2008 406pp
Latin America has produced an impressive body of socio-political work, yet these important texts have never been readily available to a wider audience. This anthology offers the first serious, broad-ranging collection of English translations of significant Latin American contributions to social and political thought spanning the last forty years. Iván Márquez has judiciously selected narratives of resistance and liberation; ground-breaking texts in Latin American fields of inquiry such as liberation theology, philosophy, pedagogy, and dependency theory; and important readings in guerrilla revolution, socialist utopia, and post-Cold War thought, especially in the realms of democracy and civil society, alternatives to neoliberalism, and nationalism in the context of globalization. By drawing from an array of diverse sources, the book demonstrates the linkages among important tendencies in contemporary Latin America, allowing the reader to discover common threads among the selections. Highlighting the vitality, diversity, and originality of Latin American thought, this anthology will be invaluable for students and scholars across the social sciences and humanities.-Represents a broad selection of readings covering the spectrum of topics in Latin American social and political thought since 1965-Collects the writings of philosophers, humanities scholars, and social scientists working inside and outside of academia, as well as those of journalists, theologians, grassroots organizers, revolutionaries, and politicians.-Highlights the depth and originality of these thinkers by offering a compendium of full selections rather than short excerpts-Includes a key selection of hard-to-find classic readings-All selections are officially authorized English translations of the original Spanish and Portuguese texts.

List of Contributors

Domitila Barrios de Chungara, Leonardo Boff, Ernesto Cardenal, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Jorge G. Castañeda, Evelina Dagnino, Hernando de Soto, Theotonio Dos Santos, Enrique D. Dussel, Enzo Faletto, Paulo Freire, Eduardo H. Galeano, Ernesto Che Guevara, Gustavo Gutiérrez, José Ignacio López Vigil, Carlos Marighella, Rigoberta Menchú, Plinio Apuleyo Mendoza, Carlos Alberto Montaner, Elena Poniatowska, Raúl Prebisch, Carlos Salinas de Gotari, Roberto Mangabeira Unger, Alvaro Vargas Llosa, and Zapatista Army of National Liberation [EZLN].
About the Editor Iván Márquez is associate professor of philosophy at Bentley College.

Hugo Chávez and the Decline ox150hVenezuela: Hugo Chávez and the Decline of an “Exceptional Democracy”

Edited by: Steve Ellner and Miguel Tinker Salas

List Price: $29.95
ISBN: 978-0-7425-5456-6
Publication Date: December 2006 236pp

This authoritative book offers a comprehensive assessment of contemporary Venezuela. Analyzing the multifaceted phenomenon of Hugo Chavez, leading scholars move beyond his flamboyant style to focus on the concerns of popular social and political movements. The book challenges the misleading notions that for several decades glorified Venezuelan “exceptionalism” has minimized the role of important actors. After setting the historical and socio-economic contexts, the contributors explore racial issues, social and labor movements, electoral politics, economic and oil policy, and United States support for the Venezuelan opposition. Underscoring the complexity of Chavez and his popularity, the book highlights the need to avoid simplistic assessments of the past and present and offers a clear-eyed understanding of Venezuelan reality today.

List of Contributors

Christopher I. Clement, Steve Ellner, Maria Pilar Garcia Guadilla, Daniel Hellinger, Jesus Maria Herrera Salas, Edgardo Lander, Dick Parker, Cristobal Valencia Ramirez.

Development in Theory and Practicex150hDevelopment in Theory and Practice: Latin American Perspectives

Edited by Ronald H. Chilcote.

List Price: $39.95
ISBN: 978-0-7425-2393-7

Publication Date: June 2003 408pp

This definitive reader brings together seminal articles on development in Latin America. Tracing the concepts and major debates surrounding the issue, the text focuses on development theory through three contrasting historical perspectives: imperialism, underdevelopment and dependency, and globalization. By offering a rich array of essays from Latin American Perspectives, the book allows students to sample all the important trends in the field. A new general introduction and conclusion, along with part introductions, contextualize each selection.One of the leading figures in development studies, Ronald Chilcote shows in this text why work on imperialism dating to the turn of the twentieth century informs the controversies on dependency and underdevelopment during the 1960s and 1970s as well as the globalization debates of the past decade. If students are to understand development in Latin America, they must not only be familiar with historical examples and recognize that various theoretical perspectives affect our interpretation of events, they must be willing to keep an open mind. Thus, rather than setting out established premises, this reader offers different points of view, raising provocative questions about Latin America that remain largely unanswered even today. Students will come away from this rewarding collection ready to pursue new understanding through critical inquiry and thinking.

List of Contributors:Haroldo Dilla Alfonso, Thomas Angotti, Ricardo Antunes, David Barkin, Dave Broad, Doug Brown, Ronald H. Chilcote, Agustín Cueva, Enrique Dussel, Joel C. Edelstein, Raúl A. Fernández, Frank T. Fitzgerald, André Gunder Frank, Michael González-Cruz, Timothy F. Harding, Richard L. Harris, Keith A. Haynes, Colin Henfrey, Claudio Katz, Manuel Maldonado-Denis, Ronaldo Munck, George Novack, José Nun, José F. Ocampo, Tânia Pellegrini, James F. Petras, Aníbal Quijano, Cathy A. Rakowski, Eduardo Rosenzvaig, David F. Ruccio, Rodolfo Stavenhagen, Frederick Weaver Stirton, Heather Williams, and Tamar Diana Wilson.

Indigenous Peoples of ChiapasMayan Lives, Mayan Utopias: The Indigenous Peoples of Chiapas and  the
Edited by Jan Rus, Rosalva Aída  Hernández Castillo, and Shannan L. Mattiace.

 List Price: $44.95
 ISBN: 978-0-7425-1147-4
 Publication Date: September 2003 328pp
The dramatic January 1, 1994, emergence of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) in Chiapas, Mexico, brought the state’s indigenous peoples to the attention of the international community. Yet indigenous peoples in Chiapas had been politically active and organized for years prior to the uprising. This compelling volume examines in detail these local and regional histories of power and resistance, powerfully bolstered by gripping and heartrending details of oppression and opposition. Situated broadly within the field of political anthropology, the authors trace the connections between indigenous culture and indigenous resistance. Their case studies include the Tzotzils and Tzeltals of the highland region, the Tojolabals of eastern Chiapas, northern Ch’ol communities, the Mams of eastern and southeastern Chiapas, and the settler communities of the Lacandon rain forest. In the wake of the Chiapas rebellion, all of these groups have increasingly come together around common goals, the most important of which is autonomy. Three essays focus specifically on the issue of Indian autonomy–in both Zapatista and non-Zapatista communities.Offering a consistent and cohesive vision of the complex evolution of a region and its many cultures and histories, this work is a fundamental source for understanding key issues in nation building. In a unique collaboration, the book brings together recognized authorities who have worked in Chiapas for decades, many linking scholarship with social and political activism. Their combined perspectives, many previously unavailable in English, make this volume the most authoritative, richly detailed, and authentic work available on the people behind the Zapatista movement.
List of Contributors:José Alejos García, Andrés Aubry, Araceli Burguete Cal y Mayor, George A. Collier, Christine Eber, Gustavo Esteva, Rosalva Aída Hernández Castillo, Xóchitl Leyva Solano, Shannan L. Mattiace, and Jan Rus.

Rereading Women in Latinx150hRereading Women in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Political Economy of Gender

Edited by Jennifer Abbassi and Sheryl L. Lutjens.

List Price: $39.95
ISBN: 978-0-7425-1075-3
Publication Date: March 2002 320ppThis indispensable text reader provides a broad-ranging and thoughtfully organized feminist introduction to the ongoing controversies of development in Latin America and the Caribbean. Designed for use in a variety of college courses, the volume collects an influential group of essays first published in Latin American Perspectives–a theoretical and scholarly journal focused on the political economy of capitalism, imperialism, and socialism in the Americas. The reader is organized into thematic sections that focus on work, politics, and culture, and each section includes substantive introductions that identify key issues, trends, and debates in the scholarly literature on women and gender in the region.Demonstrating the rich and multidisciplinary nature of Latin American studies, this collection of timely, empirical studies promotes critical thinking about women’s place and power; about theory and research strategies; and about contemporary economic, political, and social conditions in Latin America and the Caribbean. Valuable as both a supplementary or primary text, Rereading Women makes a convincing claim for a materialist feminist analysis. It convincingly shows why women have become an increasingly important subject of research, acknowledges their gains and struggles over time, and explores the contributions that feminist theory has made toward the recognition of gender as a relevant–indeed essential–category for analyzing the political economy of development.

Transnational Latinax150hTransnational Latina/o Communities: Politics, Processes, and Cultures

Edited by Carlos G. Vélez-Ibáñez and Anna Sampaio with Manolol González-Estay

List Price: $32.95
ISBN: 978-0-7425-1703-5
Publication Date: August 2002 320pp
This groundbreaking text challenges the traditional paradigm of Latina/o studies by focusing on transnational issues and examining the manner in which gender, race, and class emerge out of local and global processes. Divided into three parts, the volume first critiques current theoretical and methodological approaches within the discipline. It then explores alternate propositions concerning material culture and human identity by introducing different frames for analysis. Finally, it moves us beyond nation-based approaches of previous studies as well as attending to emergent rural and urban innovations at the local level. This work expands our understandings and links between Latino and Latin American studies and will be an invaluable resource for students and scholars from both fields.

Latin American Social Movementsx150hLatin American Social Movements in the Twenty-first Century: Resistance, Power, and Democracy
Edited by Richard Stahler-Sholk, Harry E. Vanden, and Glen David Kuecker

List Price: $38.99
ISBN: 978-1-4616-0190-6
Publication Date: April 2008 404ppWhen elected civilians replaced military authoritarian regimes in Latin America in the 1980s, democracy seemed at hand. Yet those nominally democratic regimes implemented widely unpopular neoliberal policies, opening the economies to global market forces with devastating impact on the poor. This clearly written and comprehensive text examines the uprising of politically and economically marginalized groups in Latin American societies. Specialists in a broad range of disciplines interpret the new wave of social movements, including movements in Mexico, Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, and Argentina, the Vía Campesina global peasant network, and Mesoamerican coalitions against regional free trade agreements. This volume assembles original research from a variety of case studies in a student – friendly format. Section introductions help students contextualize the essays, highlighting social movement origins, strategies, and outcomes. Thematic sections address historical context, political economy, community-building and consciousness, ethnicity and race, gender, movement strategies, and transnational organizing, making this book useful to anyone studying the wide range of social movements in Latin America.
